Note: In this video, I forgot to mention the phase slider, see the below image, this is because I recommend leaving it at the default of 0, for those interested in learning what it does, read the bellow write up :).
The Phase Slider is used to adjust the direction that light is scattered once it hits the fog, if your value is set to 0, it will evenly bounce light away, and towards the camera looking at it. If you set your value above 0, it will biasedly bounce more light towards the camera looking at it. If you set your value to something less than 0, it will biasedly bounce light away from the camera looking at it. This gives the results of brighter or darker fog as the light bounces towards it.
Phase Slider set to 0 in a fogy environment.
Phase Slider set to .8 in a fogy environment.
Phase Slider set to -.8 in a fogy environment.
Please note, values of -1 or 1 cause strange issues with the phase slider. I recommended to never set your phase slider to the max of 1 or -1 because of this.